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At app.srwa.io/lending you can see and manage your positions. It is divided into three major groups: Lending Account, Savings, and Loans.
Below are descriptions.
Net APY Your current annual percentage yield. It is based on all positions you have (deposits and borrow). In this example -0.04% means overall, the user will pay 4 cents per year on each $100 of deposited value.
Daily Your daily interest gain (if plus) or loss (if minus), denominated in USD. In this example, -0.01 USD means the user is paying 1 cent per day.
Deposit Ballance Represents your total deposit, summed for all deposited assets, denominated in USD. In this example, the user has deposited 5,490 USD worth of assets.
Max Loan Limit You can get a specific loan position based on the Loan-to-Value (LTV) for each asset. If the LTV for XRD is 0.5 and you deposit 100 XRD, you can borrow an equivalent of up to 50 XRD. In the screenshot example, the user can get a loan of up to 2,740 USD.
Loan Balance Represents your total loan, summed for all borrowed assets, denominated in USD. In the screenshot example, the user has borrowed assets valued at 1,200 USD.
Loan Limit Used Represents how much of the loan limit is being used. In the screenshot, it is 43.73%